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Data Connectivity

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Ethernet Delivery

With Ethernet Service from Dobson Fiber, your business has the ability to access a secure, reliable network.

Dobson Ethernet Service is safe, redundant, and cost-effective. Our service provides your business the bandwidth it needs to support voice, data, and multimedia over a single fiber optic network. In addition, Dobson Ethernet enables server consolidation, access to hosted services such as data storage and backup, and supports VoIP technology.

Managed Wavelengths

Managed Wavelengths from Dobson Fiber offers carriers and customers the flexibility and dependability of a managed network.

A cost-effective alternative to building, lighting, and managing Dark Fiber for organizations with massive data transport needs.  Our Managed Wavelength product offers customers the flexibility of provisioning multiple wavelengths between sites.

Internet Failover

We will put a solution in place so when your fiber Internet service is interrupted, your failover solution will take over in its place until it comes online again.

At Dobson, we know how important it is that your business Internet never goes down. That’s why it’s crucial you have a failover in place so you can still conduct business. Dobson’s Internet Failover solution provides reliable Internet connectivity for our DIA customers using high-speed wireless LTE.

With Dobson’s Internet Failover, even if your fiber Internet service goes down, your business continues to operate reliably, allowing you to provide a seamless customer experience.


MPLS from Dobson Fiber offers reliable connections for real-time applications.

Multi-Protocol Lable Swiching gives you high-performace, Layer 3 Routed any-to-any communication.  Choosing MPLS for your business gives you flexibility and cost advantages of your IP-based network.  You get simplified network management, and can prioritize application for better performance.


  • Virtual Router for each location

  • Ethernet Access – 1 Mbps to 10 Gbps

  • Secure/private using partitioned routing tables

  • IP routing decisions made by Dobson VR interacting with your IP addressing

  • Coordinate route learning

  • Unlimited locations

  • Optional Customer Edge Managed Router

  • Class of Service available


  • Secure IP MPLS Core

  • Performance and privacy of legacy WAN technologies


SD-WAN from Dobson Fiber offers cutting-edge security and efficiency for your multi-location business.

Choose your connectivity method based on your business needs.  There is no need to have costly private connections at all locations.


  • Efficient – Ensure that data is routed over the best connection available.

  • Controllable – Define high and low priority data and route it accordingly.

  • Flexible – Set up is quick and easy. Locations can be added very quickly.

  • Transparent – Allows for enhanced application and performance visibility.

Request a Business Quote

Our team members are waiting to talk with you! 

Please send us a message, or for an even faster response give us a call at 855.5.DOBSON.

*Business quotes only.


14101 Wireless Way, Ste 300
Oklahoma City, OK 73134

Phone: 405.242.1000
Toll Free: 855.5.DOBSON